Exclusive route
There, on unheard roads
Alleys and monuments of architecture of Kamenny island
Length / Travel time
4,5 km / 55 min
Main bridge of the route
Malo-Krestovsky Bridge
Kamenny island – Malo-Krestovsky bridge – pr. Dinamo – Morskoy pr. – Primorsky Victory Park – Football alley – «Gazprom Arena» stadium
Distance and transport
Park «Tikhy otdykh» (Quite recreation) on Kammeny island, intersection of Bolshaya alley and 1st Berezovaya alley.
4,5 km. Walking time without stops around 55 minutes.
Football stadium «Gazprom Arena»
Nearest metro stations
- "Chernaya Rechka". Savushkina st., 2. Distance 1,8 km, walking time 20 min.
- “Petrogradskaya”. Kamennoostrovsky pr., 37. Distance 2,5 km, walking time 30 min.
Ground transport
- Buses 1, 25, 24A, 46, Minibuses K127, K252, K690, K76, Trolleybus 34 from the metro “Chernaya Rechka” to the stop “Kamenny island”, then 950m by foot.
- Minibuses K127, K252, K690, K76 from the metro “Petrogradskaya” to the stop “Kamenny island”, then 950m by foot. Travel time around 20 min.
For those who are tired
- Metro «Krestovsky island». Morskoy pr., 45. Distance to the stadium 2,5km, walking time: 30 minutes.