Exclusive route
Parks and embankments
Green walking zone, gardens and parks
Length / Travel time
3 km / 40 min
Main bridge of the route
The 1st Yelagin Bridge
The 1st Yelagin bridge next to the entrance to the Central Recreation and Leisure Park – Yelagin island, Yuzhnye ponds, Srednaya Nevka embankment – The 2nd Yelagin bridge – Martynova embankment – Northern road – Football alley – «Gazprom Arena» stadium
Distance and transport
Entrance to the Central Recreation and Leisure Park in the name of S.M. Kirov near the 1st Yelagin bridge.
3km. Walking time without stops around 40 minutes.
Football stadium «Gazprom Arena»
Nearest metro stations
- «Chernaya Rechka» Savushkina st., 2. Distance 2,5 km, walking time 30 min.
- «Staraya Derevnya» Torfyanaya road 4. Distance 2,5 km, walking time 30 min.
Ground transport
- Minibus K133, tram 21 and 48 from the metro «Chernaya Rechka» to the entrance of Central Recreation and Leisure Park, then 1,7km by foot. Walking time about 35 minutes.
- Buses 110, 216, 93. Minibuses K305, K305A, K308, K93 to the entrance of Central Recreation and Leisure Park, then 1,7km by foot. Walking time about 35 minutes.
For those who are tired
- Metro «Krestovsky island». Morskoy pr., 45. Distance to the stadium 2,5km, walking time: 30 minutes.