Exclusive route
Main straight route to the stadium from Petrograd side
Length / Travel time
4,2 km / 50 min
Main bridge of the route
Bolshoy Krestovsky Bridge
Bolshoy Krestovsky bridge – Petrograd st. – Krestovsky pr. – 2nd Parkovy bridge – Yuzhnaya alley – Battery road – «Gazprom Arena» stadium
Distance and transport
Pesochnaya emb.,/ emb. Admirala Lazareva, intersection of Levashovskogo pr. and Bolshaya Zelenina st.
4,2 km. Walking time without stops around 50 minutes.
Football stadium «Gazprom Arena»
Nearest metro stations
- «Chkalovskaya». Bolshaya Zelenina st., 12. Distance 900m, walking time 10 min.
For those who are tired
- Metro «Krestovsky island». Morskoy pr., 45. Distance to the stadium 2,5km, walking time: 30 minutes.